new to the eco-system and familiar with polkadot, elrond, Ada....DoI use keplr app to stake? anything i should watch for? how many validators do I need to choose, recommendation is welcome since I'm new. last question, can I reassign validators in the future or is there a cool off period like elrond?
No keplr is for ibc tokens in this system only so far. For staking generally don't pick a centralized exchange or a 100% or 0% commission validator. It's wise to split your stake amongst a few also. It's also suggested to stay away from the top bunch just to maintain decentralization. Many validators are present and active on these tg channels too, and if you want more detailed stats you can see them all on for nearly all IBC chains. Some (like Terra) have their own block explorer. Unstaking there is a wait period during which you do not receive rewards. Unlock period ranges per network I've seen anywhere from 8 to 28 days. Redelegating existing stake to a different validator is instant but can only be done once per (however long the unlock period on that network is). And last but not least 99.9% of DMs on telegram are scam bots. There are also full blown scam groups. Be aware of that.
I just realized I can delegate directly from my ledger live. Will I still qualify for future airdrops? will research how to get them. Do I need to save some atom for fees?
I used to stake ATOM on ledger live and then switched to Keplr. You won't want to go back. Plus you'll need Keplr to interact with the other chains
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