210 похожих чатов

Hi, can someone tell me if there is a minimum

to stake atom on Kava 9?

7 ответов

22 просмотра

Not sure I follow? Wdym exactly?

Major-Nostragollum Автор вопроса
Not sure I follow? Wdym exactly?

Kava Defi will be running an IBC incentive on launch of platform upgrade 9 and are incentivising atom holders to stake and lend on the launch. APY excellent

Major Nostragollum
Kava Defi will be running an IBC incentive on laun...

Probably better to ask on Kava channel then. I'm not familiar with this incentive 🤷🏼‍♀️

Major-Nostragollum Автор вопроса
Probably better to ask on Kava channel then. I'm n...

Ok will do. Good to be here at this moment. Great times for cosmos.

Major Nostragollum
Ok will do. Good to be here at this moment. Great ...

Yeah so much is happening it's hard to keep up hehe

Major-Nostragollum Автор вопроса
Yeah so much is happening it's hard to keep up heh...

That’s for sure. Defi will boom in 22. We thought 21 was good but just wait.

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