210 похожих чатов

Hello, can you guys at Terra please enable ledger cosmos

app to be used on terrastation. What was working before why break it? We in cosmos have used it so far. Now the cosmos generated terra address is different from the one on terrastation for same seed words. So having terra app on same ledger and trying to switch to terra ledger app also does not work.. Causing lots of problems in moving funds. This is a big Pain in the Xxx. Don’t tell me to use x defi as it crashes and I rather use a native terra wallet or chrome extension as before.. if anyone know where to complain to their support people let me know. Evidently there folks are not looking at this channel or just not responding.

1 ответов

6 просмотров
Victor-X Автор вопроса

@rosanne_89 who do you think this issue needs to be reported to?

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