210 похожих чатов

@Financialfreedomcj I can’t get the x defi wallet yo work

with the cosmos ledger app as you suggested. It recognizes the ledger wallet and shows main Luna balance. But the moment I hit Send button it crashes and sends a crash report with unknown error happened interacting with device. I am on the latest version of cosmos ledger app. Have you tried this?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

I am not aware of this. It has been working well for me. Remove the wallet and reload it. Also remove terra station app. It interacts with it. I even had to remove metamask because it was interacting with it. What a mess but you gotta do what you gotta do. If you are just trying to send out tokens and not really trying to do a lot interacting, then just use https://legacy.station.terra.money/. It will read your cosmos address!

Victor-X Автор вопроса
I am not aware of this. It has been working well f...

Thank you man.. you really really saved me.. The legacy.station is the only thing that works. Hope these Terralabs guys do not yank it also from us

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