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Guys, i moved all my investment into tlos (about $50k)

when the price was about $1 and have basically lost half of my investment. Been sitting tight to see any growth but nothing... Should i cut my loss and try another project to try and re-coup my loss?

9 ответов

6 просмотров

Price discussions/ Technical analysis can be done in the unofficial group @TelosPrice_TLOS

i suggest you hold on and dont book loss yet . hold tight , and when you are getting to your original investment , take out 80 % . and diversify into many good projects . ideally you shouldn't put more than 5-10% into one project.

Not now.. Be patient. Did you see the roadmap? It is impossible for Telos not to reach ATH price. Stake for now and wait.

enjoy staking yield then 🌚

This is a project with good potential. Don't book losses, I suspect 0.50 is the current support, guys at price talk can advice further. With more network effect, Tlos would be in a good place.

Well this hurts, but be patient, the crowd will look for an alternative to Ethereum this year or next, remember that Solana was in the 800th rank two years ago and now look where it is at number 5. If I were you, i never to sell

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