209 похожих чатов

Does anyone have an idea if the deposit of FlexUSD

in the bitcoin.com wallet produces interest? If anyone knows the annual rate and frequency of interest deposits.

6 ответов

7 просмотров

It does

Batman-Cruz Автор вопроса
It does

How often do you deposit interest? What is the annual rate?

Batman Cruz
How often do you deposit interest? What is the ann...

I hear every couple of hours. Someone can comfirm

I would wait for the SmartBCH version. The SLP version has some bugs. I lost some tokens in the bitcoin.com wallet. I also heard that the SLP version is behind on paying interest because of limitations. Get metamask and get SmartBCH FlexUSD. That works too

Batman Cruz
How often do you deposit interest? What is the ann...

https://flexusd.com 8 times a day if I remeber correctly

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