We don't have this info yet, we're hoping to get a update in the February keynote.
If possible pls translate accordingly. Swissborg has a redirect enabled when typing in Swissborg.de for germany. Bafin Germany might soon have a closer look. Pls inform Cyrus ...
Didnt get exactly why i should get the CBorg thing? I try to avoid any NFT thing (im eligible). Can someone explain? I also deleted the mail with the link btw
$2.4mi gone from the P&C pool and 5.8mi chsb to vote on?
So I still can’t find my hero score… Did I need to opt in? I voted and got rewards… I though it was automatic…..
Hi Swissborg, I finally upgraded my member ship to Genesis Premium. Could someone help me understnad the yield on CHSB? It says i will have 27.42% and then I have a Yield mul...
When CHSB wallet?
I‘ve read the article but i still don‘t understand why you stopped the yield program What’s the incentive of hodling chsb now? Keeping a few thousand € in chsb to become a pre...
Welcome to the official Swissborg Telegram Channel! ⚠️ Be aware ⚠️ Fake SwissBorg admin (and CEO) and support accounts are unfortunately widespread and annoy our members. Sw...
Anyone know why GP users aren’t getting first dibs on ballman whitelisting? Surely it’s the perfect time to show GP benefits
Hi, can you claim an nft as series a holder?
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