209 похожих чатов

Would you say the companies currently trying out stack are

primarily interested in the novel routing solutions, or is their interest part of a larger movement towards decentralized / cryptographic / blockchain technologies. As such, could it be that their future integration of stack/darp relies on their broader adoption of these technologies? Or in other words - are they testing blockchain based solutions other than what Syntropy offers - and do they base decisions re integration on whether they want to move forward with these other solutions as well?

1 ответов

14 просмотров

Big Question! I'll answer the part that's the easiest. The rest I am unsure of, and probably don't have the data to fully comment. Our customers today are mostly interested in our Syntropy DARP Network for better routing - this might be based on better consistent performance, or better performance during failure conditions. A few of our current POCs are based around monitoring these paths - especially paths between public clouds, or private DC to public cloud.

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