209 похожих чатов

Then, how much stable coins issued so far?? I heard

mor than 450,000 are using the app

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Yes, we've had some significant adoption of the Reserve app since it launched (450,000+ registered users & 10,000+ merchants who accept Reserve - some of which even pay their employees directly through Reserve). Reserve's internal dashboards show what the off-chain market cap of RSV is, but this number hasn't been shared to the public yet. You will be able to inspect this number yourself in the Reserve dApp (that launches in a few months). On chain, RSV currently has a market cap of ~$28M, but that is just a small fraction of the total market cap (on-chain + off-chain).

Brandon-d Автор вопроса
Yes, we've had some significant adoption of the Re...

Thanks, so you don't know the off-chain market cap, yet

Brandon-d Автор вопроса
Yes, we've had some significant adoption of the Re...

Sorry for too many questions, but i want to make it sure to invest to a good project.

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