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Why do they need different RTokens? And who issue new


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The initial usecase is very easy: 1) RSV is a simple USD-backed stablecoin and will serve as a checking account in the Reserve app (people use RSV to pay for groceries, bills, pay friends, etc). 2) The new stablecoin that will be launched (name yet undefined) will serve as a savings account in the Reserve app (people can start saving some money with an estimated 1-7% yield). Reserve's long-term vision, however, is to create a stablecoin that is not related to the value of the USD at all. This is important to have when the value of the USD would start (hyper)inflating. That is another RToken that the Reserve core team will be working on. However, since Reserve believes that building this non-USD stablecoin is so important, we didn't want to create a closed system where only the core team could build towards it. That's why we've created the Reserve dApp to allow the permissionless creation of an asset-backed stablecoin by anyone (similar to how, on Uniswap, anyone can create a trading pair). In short, if certain people or companies see what we're doing but don't believe that we've got it right, they are able to very easily create their own version of that stablecoin. If people like it more, it will get more adoption. Lastly, there are also some other usecases that we believe RTokens can have, like branded stablecoins for fintech companies. Take a look at the image below, which is a snippet from this page on the Reserve website that goes more into detail of these alternative usecases.

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