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Follow up question, Is anyone here using kavaswap on cosmostation? Is it

straight forward?

7 ответов

8 просмотров

The only issue I found when I looked a while back was that it had a fixed slippage value that couldn't be edited like it can on the Kava Web App Also the display showing the number of assets you would receive were a worse case assuming 3% slippage or price movement rather than what you would get at current prices which then makes it appear you are being offered poor prices

You mean kava defi? Yes I use both. Kava app in browser for lends so I know my percentages. Cosmostation kava defi for general kava use

kingcrypto.bit | Sekolah Kripto- Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
The only issue I found when I looked a while back ...

Noted So if i supply my coins there on the pool i can do it just like on the website?

kingcrypto.bit | Sekolah Kripto
Noted So if i supply my coins there on the pool i...

You can use the kava web app or cosmostation mobile app. I like cosmostation for kava mint but prefer the web app for swaps on kava swap, but of just supplying assets to the liquidity pools either is fine

CryptoDaz (Darren)
You can use the kava web app or cosmostation mobil...

when atom lending rewards will start? because its 27. and no information

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