It showed I was going to get 994 but I only received 990. The reason I did was because it was 7 BUSD more than what pancakeswap showed. But after having to deposit BNB and remove BUSD from contract, I'm wondering if I would have been better off with pancakeswap. Is that normal or did something go wrong?
You didn't check the Slippage before proceeding
So what should I set it to? I thought the amount shown was the min amount (pancake shows the expected and min). Doing the math, the percentage loss isn't huge, but $4 loss was just more on top of other losses (paid $1004 USDC for BNB, then paid withdraw fees to get to BSC, then ended up with $990 and paid whatever other fees). So basically lost $14 swapping 2 stable coins. 😂
The lowest possible slippage is 0.3%, standard setting is 1%. You could use limit orders instead to get the exact price you want.
set slippage to ~1%. The submitted order is placed at the lower end of it so the chances it’ll fill are maximised. Try changing the slippage next time and see if it also changes the price.
I had it at either 1% or 0.5% when I did the trade...dont remember. But I just looked and changing the slippage still shows the same price.
The price shows the best estimate at that moment. When you execute, there will be a market order submitted at the lower end of the slippage to ensure it gets filled.
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