210 похожих чатов

Please where can I stake $Atom? Is there any AIRDROP

for stakers?

7 ответов

10 просмотров

https://t.me/CosmosAirdrops for airdrops

Jericho-Tim Автор вопроса

This is showing me Airdrop and not where to stake atom

Keplr wallet. There's prob a link in here somewhere.

Jericho Tim
This is showing me Airdrop and not where to stake ...

Keplr or Cosmostation. You can find the links in the pinned message

Jericho Tim
This is showing me Airdrop and not where to stake ...

We have a great ATOM staking tutorial, with video that walks you through the process from beginning to end using Cosmostation and Keplr. You can check it out here: https://blocksunited.com/how-to-stake-cosmos-atom-tokens/

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