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We was talking about ionity the other day, as i

undertand ,it is a service for fast charging on the charging stations. VW has this service too that could be related to ewf: elli. https://www.elli.eco/de/naturstrom-connect . I am not sure if there is an connection. Does anyone have info about? @GreenAltCrypto

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9 просмотров

VW is related to Energy Web (partner), as you probably know: https://www.smart-energy.com/industry-sectors/electric-vehicles/energy-web-volkswagen-partner-on-blockchain-charging-for-electric-vehicles/. Anyway, there is no proof to be found online that it is linked to Elli. It is pretty similar though, but you often see that with larger corporates: that they partner with several companies to develop new products/services (to spread their chances). Volkswagen Financial Services however has been working with Share & Charge's OCN (Open Charging Network) since 2019, which is now part of Energy Web (OCN/Share & Charge)

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