209 похожих чатов

It shows the debonded amount and states above it "amount

to reclaim" is there another step after this? Does one need to click reclaim? I would have assumed after the 14 days the amount simply returns back into the "available" section but it seems not the case

5 ответов

3 просмотра

As earlier said, you’ll need to wait till the balance is made available.

It’s understandable if you’re new to crypto that you would expect it to work that way, but it’s standard practice that you will have to interact with a smart contract or function to reclaim your available balance.

KANO_Z-K Автор вопроса
It’s understandable if you’re new to crypto that y...

That's fine, but I was under the impression you have to simply wait 14 days for your staked amount to debonded after which it arrives back into your available balance. Right now it's been 3 weeks the debonded amount shows underneath "amount to reclaim" but there isn't an option to click reclaim or anything else.

KANO_Z-K Автор вопроса


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