209 похожих чатов

Hi Reserve Team. Can someone here please confirm the status

of holding rsr coins on Argents Wallet? Post upgrade - all accessibility to send, withdraw, etc has been removed and I can only see my coins in the wallet. The wallet does not give the option to send to meta-mask etc. I also don’t see an add custom wallet contract feature.

Does the team have any info about Argent’s update? If not, should we reach out to them?

2 ответов

5 просмотров

Download Metamask, put your seed phrase in metamask, enter the custom contract, transfer the tokens and you're done

NevDev10- Автор вопроса
Alex-o López — won't DM you first
Download Metamask, put your seed phrase in metamas...

Argent is a social verification non-custodial wallet where the private keys are encrypted. and no seed phrases, uses social/guardian verification

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