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Hi guys! Do u know if there were snapshots taken

for the next launchpad project? Beni said in one of the townhalls that there will be periodical snapshots for staking starting december...it s been more than 3 months now and no news yet? Ty

4 ответов

11 просмотров

We are waiting for Updates related to this, make sure you follow the official announcement channel @ElrondNetworkAnn so you don't miss anything

Raul-Daniel Автор вопроса
We are waiting for Updates related to this, make s...

I am doing that. I just wonder if it s ok to unstake my egld now and use it in the dex ( farming)...do u know if i unstake now and the snapshots are made during the 10 days needed to unstake , will it still count 4 the snapshot? Ty for ur time and answer

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