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Hi guys I’m new to Solana, just purchased a small

bag. I have a question? What make Solana better then other chains like EOS and Luna?

4 ответов

10 просмотров

Luna max 10k TPS, EOS max 4k TPS, SOL max 65k TPS. Neither will reach the max though

Luna max 10k TPS, EOS max 4k TPS, SOL max 65k TPS....

65k tps in theory..currently it hardly has 2k tps

65k tps in theory..currently it hardly has 2k tps

Well, you wanted to compare SOL to Luna and EOS. I would compare SOL to AVAX and NEAR.

The Lender- Автор вопроса
Luna max 10k TPS, EOS max 4k TPS, SOL max 65k TPS....

Ah thanks. How about any other things that make it better?

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