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My Bucket With 92 Days Is Now Past It's Date

But Still I Don't Get Option To Unstake Is It Because Stake Lock Was On ?

9 ответов

7 просмотров


If you had the stake lock, first you have to unlock and then you have to wait 92 days

That means the stake-lock is still ON. Do this 1) Switch stake-lock to OFF by following this tutorial https://t.me/IoTeX_Tutorial/19 Then you'd have to wait until the 92 days have passed

You've to turn off auto stake

Luke- Автор вопроса
Anwar (No DMs)
That means the stake-lock is still ON. Do this 1...

So I Have To Wait Another 92 Days After I Turn Of Stake Lock Even Though My 92 Days Are Completed

If i say 100 days…i cant unstake for 100 days right?

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