209 похожих чатов

Hey, i am staking my Rose with Figment and according

to oasismonitor.com i stopped getting staking rewards a day ago. anybody knows what's up? i didn't unstake, and it's not in debonding state currently.

3 ответов

8 просмотров

The same thing happens to me in binancestaking from today at 4

sub-zero Автор вопроса
The same thing happens to me in binancestaking fro...

i found an explanation on discord - "oasismonitor has been out of sync since yesterday's morning" they say. i will try to monitor my rewards with oasisscan.com for now, hopefully it's just an oasismonitor UI issue

sub zero
i found an explanation on discord - "oasismonitor ...

where do you see the hourly income in oasis scan?

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