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We recently achieved the milestone of 12,000+ merchants across Latin-America

accepting Reserve as payment 🤩

Wondering how we got there? Read our newest Q&A article with Alvaro, bizdev at Reserve, on what his day-to-day and future goals look like ⬇️

READ THE ARTICLE HERE: https://medium.com/reserve-currency/q-a-a-day-in-the-life-of-business-development-manager-alvaro-aea362ea75e0

RETWEET: https://twitter.com/reserveprotocol/status/1492446402185682946?s=20&t=XXbzK6Pveyh1vFxedlxerQ

5 ответов

9 просмотров

💪🏼 And seed investors/ stats etc. Update Will be this weekend too ?

Sinatra- Автор вопроса
Green Grass
💪🏼 And seed investors/ stats etc. Update Will be ...

Yep, I am working on that as we speak. We're just publishing the circulating supply on the website, though, not a Medium post or anything like that.

Yep, I am working on that as we speak. We're just ...

Great! This will be a great metrics starting from today (or whenever this info is going to be posted on your website) until mainnet in order to infer what's going on specifically with the RSR token

Also, when this?

Sinatra- Автор вопроса
Also, when this?

This webpage has been updated already. Here's the link: https://reserve.org/protocol/rsr_release_schedule/#main-content.

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