209 похожих чатов

So the yield 2.0 all the yields come from tokens?

giving out CHSB tokens as yields?

8 ответов

5 просмотров

Yield 2.0 is only for chsb the other yields are normal yields and you get them in the token/ coin you yield so btc yield = btc eth yield = eth

.- Автор вопроса

From the company for chsb from the defi market if you yield something else

.- Автор вопроса
so from the company does it mean paid with chsb to...

Yes , if you yield chsb you get chsb , if you yield btc you get btc

so from the company does it mean paid with chsb to...

i told you that before you need to read things i write otherwise a conversation makes no sense

.- Автор вопроса
Unicorn(Never DM)
Yes , if you yield chsb you get chsb , if you yiel...

Thanks so chsb yield 2.0 pays users on chsb tokens while smart yields pay in their native tokens that uses defi?

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