210 похожих чатов

In staking, what does it mean “your position needs to

be below 300 limit?”, that I should stake below 300 GLMR on each collator? Should I stake as much as I can? Thanks

10 ответов

18 просмотров

It means you need to be in the top 300 nominators to receive staking rewards. You can stake as much as you want.

What is the apy? In staking right now

You can check it here: https://stakeglmr.com

Gilang (I will never DM you)
It means you need to be in the top 300 nominators ...

Is the linear vesting for seed and strategic round every month?

Shaku 🌸
What date to be exact every month?

Seed is April 11 and strategic is March 11.

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