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@K1ybas do you know if last years blockchain integration's, such

as Stack for the Elrond validators are being used at all. I know a few months back it came up that these were all mostly PoC. So looking back, it's hard to see anything other than an effort to drive hype. If you could please comment on where and how stack is actually being used in relation to integration's such as https://t.me/Syntropy_Ann/233 and https://t.me/Syntropy_Ann/244 / I assume that there is data?

6 ответов

14 просмотров

Was an effort to.get.them.to adopt.the tech, whether it worked or not idk

To be honest, these integrations were designed to represent the possibilities of the Syntropy Stack and it was our internal effort to do so (without others knowing about it except for Elrond). It was never our top priority to amp up the usage of these integrations, other than paving the path for possible future partnerships. Integrating Syntropy with other applications like gaming universes or blockchain networks provides real-time validation that our tech can improve speed, uptime, and security for millions of users Even though these didn’t get to the PoC stages just yet, as a Blockchain Marketing Manager now, I’ll do my best to bring them to the next stages

Sander- Автор вопроса
To be honest, these integrations were designed to ...

Alright. So it would be fair to say that they had little to no use overall, including the one for Elrond validators. I hope you'll be able to to push these and many more, and wish you good luck in your new role. But I have to say it's a bit disappointing that we're only now seeing this push. Was under the impression there already was a strategy in place last year and integration's / partnerships were much further along.

Alright. So it would be fair to say that they had ...

Wouldn’t be a fair statement since it still shows the Syntropy Stack possibilities & can be actually used for pitching these companies

Sander- Автор вопроса

To clarify, I meant use in the sense of someone using Stack.

To clarify, I meant use in the sense of someone us...

You are right that not many people are using Stack for these integrations. However, Syntropy Stack is being used by our clients and PoCs, and I think it’s the most important fact on this topic

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