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Hello....Good day. I've hearing about staking atom in comostation Wallet

or Keplr, so as to be in an eligible position for cosmos Airdrops.

What if someone uses the CRO DEFI WALLET, would they still be in a good eligible possition for Airdrops????

5 ответов

11 просмотров

It's fine as long as you're staking in a non custodial wallet. You'll likely need to import your keys to Keplr to claim it

Claudio-Ziks Автор вопроса
It's fine as long as you're staking in a non custo...

So after importing my keys to keplr for the claim, it will reflect back in CRO DEFI WALLET??

Claudio Ziks
So after importing my keys to keplr for the claim,...

Yeah a wallet is just like a browser for your address on the blockchain

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