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@Bytemaster7 How many EOS are you holding? Prove it.

8 ответов

20 просмотров

Prove it Dan

Do u think he answers that or even he does do i believe him.

성게 리
Prove it Dan

Yes proof is needed ☺️

I know you want proof of skin in the game but he's never going to tell us and it's rude to ask anyway. I bet most of his wealth is in btc anyway. I bet most of the block producers instantly sell their rewards for btc also.

Paul- Автор вопроса
I know you want proof of skin in the game but he's...

What's wrong with asking the person who made EOS if he has EOS?

What's wrong with asking the person who made EOS i...

You're asking how much and to prove it not if he holds it. I'm sure he does hold some but 95% of his wealth will be in cash, stocks, properties and btc I'm sure. Same as all the other eos founders.

Paul- Автор вопроса
You're asking how much and to prove it not if he h...

Dan said he bought EOS for $10 earlier, so ask the quantity and prove it

Dan said he bought EOS for $10 earlier, so ask the...

and the idea of showing accounts to others is not a good practice for either new or old community members here

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