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What I think, the best for EOS is to end

up all these discussions and look forward. Lets say the majority of the community wants or doesnt want fractally. What changes? The decision is ENFs. Are they gonna ask to the community and will there be a real voting to learn what the community wants? No. So please please please please @BigBeardSamurai get together with your team, talk to @bytemaster7 and give a decision whether its a yes or no. We have to show people that everything is on its way, not a messy swamp. And please please please start marketing, teasers, announcments, give deadlines, talk about hot topics, rebrand, coin burn, high APY any method you like. But if you dont act in weeks all the things/works have done up to now and the plans for future will be ruined. Neither investors nor developers come to EOS when the ETH and BTC crushes eos more and disappears. Price matters.

4 ответов

12 просмотров

the purpose of fractally is to make the decisions by having the whole community participate in a transparent way not just by a few individuals, we need to decentralize the system to be more resilient

Kivanc-Ilisulu Автор вопроса
the purpose of fractally is to make the decisions ...

Trying to build a DAO or DAC creating system by dictating people, ignoring the reality may not be the basis of decentralization or freedom. The way it comes to here is also a drama.

Kivanc-Ilisulu Автор вопроса
Sagarmatha (i block and report private messages immediately)
ENF could become next B1

I wont lie, i have the same concern but at least trying to build things that may drive the price.

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