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Is Bill safe and well guys? Don't care about the

missed talk.

7 ответов

15 просмотров

I’ve seen him online for a bit so I don’t have much reason to believe he’s in danger.

Rick The Prick
What's going on?

Norton hasn’t appeared during his originally scheduled time.

Džiugas ✤
Norton hasn’t appeared during his originally sched...

Oh, I saw yesterday that the time on the website was different than what Syntropy said , so maybe confusion due to timezones?

Rick The Prick
Oh, I saw yesterday that the time on the website w...

Don’t recall any discrepancies when it came to scheduling. Unless they’ve been fixed later.

Džiugas ✤
Don’t recall any discrepancies when it came to sch...

Well I am from Europe so I probably don't understand anything correctly about those times and +6 , +1 or something

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