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One of the main uses of CKB is to store data in the Nervos L1, therefore 1 CKB is equivalent to 1 byte in the blockchain. For example, when a cryptographic library is implemented, it occupies state, when a developer implements an application in L1 or when a user has data in a Cell, it also occupies state. In practice, the CKB tokens that are in use in the L1 are not in circulation and therefore would perform the function of "burned" tokens, except that they are burned impermanently (when a developer has no use for his application, he can withdraw his application of the L1 and recovers its CKB returning these to the circulation (hence it is called impermanent burning). Currently, for example, there are approximately 180 million CKB blocked in the L1 and therefore out of circulation. So that you understand me, I am going to give a very radical example to be more didactic, in a very distant future (decades), there may be 500 billion CKB issued, with 499 billion CKB occupying space in L1 of Nervos, the supply would be one billion, people who want CKB would have to bid for that amount that is in circulation with its consequent impact on price and scarcity. I will give another example. Imagine a product that has a continuous supply, such as gasoline, what happens when there is suddenly a lot of shortage? The price rises, and this is due to scarcity coupled with widespread demand. Therefore, if there is a currency that is not affected by the marketcap, it is CKB.

Alejandro (Won't DM first)
One of the main uses of CKB is to store data in th...

Very well put Alejandro. I hope this really sticks for the people reading this!

Alejandro (Won't DM first)
One of the main uses of CKB is to store data in th...

In laymen’s terms (for anyone having trouble grasping this) Investors hope for a burn mechanism because it forces token circulation ⬇️ and price ⬆️. With Nervos, simply the token economics alone cause this happen 🔥

people don't read unfortunately, that's why the same questions get asked over and over that have been answered over and over

Chris (won’t message first)

how many time takes to complete bridge on force bridge?

It's Unluckiest Man
how many time takes to complete bridge on force br...

If you already have your funds in L1 and you are doing the bridge, it shouldn't take long, a few minutes

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