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Anyway the question can be like this " what do

you want to use the xxx eos enf gets in a year?"

15 ответов

13 просмотров

True - and a totally valid topic for conversation that I think would be welcomed. Regardless of the number, what does everyone think it should be spent on? The entire conversation around funding Fractally is one answer to that question, the contents of the Blue Papers are another, and the field is open for others to present ideas.

Fab- Автор вопроса
Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
True - and a totally valid topic for conversation ...

how you'll use that xxx eos ? promise ill tell you mine after that.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
True - and a totally valid topic for conversation ...

IMHO, if Dan makes Fructally an independent project that is not premined and only accessible through EOS, he would have done the community enough good to wipe away his past sins. On those terms, the allocation would be justified if it's used strictly for purchasing Respect.

I personally want to see a good chunk of it going to improve the developer experience, which in turn will help improve user onboarding and overall experience. Might be a few areas we want to dedicate funding to directly improving the user experience too. I also do think some portion of it needs to go towards kickstarting apps that’ll attract users, the hype projects like defi, nfts, web3, etc. Fractally as an example could be one of many that’s being attempted.

Fab- Автор вопроса
Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
I personally want to see a good chunk of it going ...

except the fact i'll give 0 dollars to fractally for what i saw in the video and in the whitepaper. i dunno why but i believe we are still in an early stage to jump in the meta/crypto gaming. one of the problem they have is a lot are on eth and they pay a lot of fee. we can help with that is someone would create an easy wallet

except the fact i'll give 0 dollars to fractally f...

That is what happens when you promote what you don't understand. But it is far better than handing the bag to one individual called ENF.

IMHO, if Dan makes Fructally an independent projec...

Yeah I think I agree, and there’s a lot of questions I have around distributions/allocation of Respect tokens. After finally reading the paper today, I also can’t help but think that EOS (the network) should somehow be a part of the “Recruitment Rewards” system to align incentives further. As it reads now, EOS would be paying for its development and injecting inflation into it, and in return it would in theory bring users and network usage. If EOS was also paid respect as part of this equation, it strengthens the argument to support it.

The upside for EOS would be the shared EOS-Respect relays IF the Respect token goes up in value in relation to the EOS price. If that happens, then more EOS would get locked up in the protocol owned liquidity pools as they'd require more to maintain a 50:50 value balance

Daniel Larimer
Nice to see you are starting to get it

I've understood it since I came up with it in October 😜 https://t.me/EOSNetworkFoundation/196573

Zack Gall | EOS Network Foundation
I've understood it since I came up with it in Octo...

You own idea is implemented on fractally so you're more bullish on this product 😁🤑

Zack Gall | EOS Network Foundation
The upside for EOS would be the shared EOS-Respect...

Ouch my brain. This must be what it feels like when I talk code to some 😂

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