210 похожих чатов

Hello everyone, someone called OnlyCalde wanted to buy a apish

punk from me. He said lets not do it on any nft place beacuse of the fees. I said okay first sent me the tlos to my MM and after that I will sent you the NFT. He sent me 100 TLOS through testnet and not through mainnet. He requested it back and then started accusing me of scamming him. I am not sure what the testnet has to do with it, but maybe something we should pay attention on? I said I was going to inform the community about his actions after he blocked me. BE AWARE OF THIS GUY AND DONT GET SCAMMED @admins

3 ответов

12 просмотров

He scammed me but God will punich him

Luciano- Автор вопроса
Tino r
He scammed me but God will punich him

im sorry to hear mann he is still active in this group

Huge redflags dealing with off exchange txns for a random stranger

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