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Does the network have contingencies in place for when a

jurisdiction starts coercing BPs to take certain actions? Can their MSig power be pulled? (I know it CAN, but is there a plan in place in that event?)

5 ответов

12 просмотров

It’d take 15 coerced BPs to effect change and 6 coerced BPs to prevent change. The idea is to hopefully have control decentralized enough to prevent the coercion of enough BPs to affect change. The mechanisms would just fall back to stake weighted voting to change things currently.

Chuck-MacDonald Автор вопроса
Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
It’d take 15 coerced BPs to effect change and 6 co...

Has there been any discussion about how to actually implement the 11-of-21 idea technically? Wouldn't the power to appoint the BPs rest in a single MSig ultimately? Isn't that a centralization risk no matter how you slice it?

Chuck MacDonald
Has there been any discussion about how to actuall...

Was that feature even listed in the whitepaper for something fractally was going to build for the 1.5m eos or was that going to cost extra?

Chuck MacDonald
Has there been any discussion about how to actuall...

you can control who is on the list via smartcontract

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
It’d take 15 coerced BPs to effect change and 6 co...

Unless 11 were controlled by a small group of identified individuals like a fractal... 🤔

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