209 похожих чатов

Why is there no response when it's cut by a

quarter compared to the high point? Are you developing something?(고점대비 네토막이 났는데 아무런 대응이 없는거니? 개발은 하고 있는거니?)

4 ответов

16 просмотров

playdapp has no control over macroeconomic factors such as war and market sentiment

you can read the medium for details on developments and updates: https://medium.com/playdappgames

Flor-Accytrypto Автор вопроса
playdapp has no control over macroeconomic factors...

I am not talking about price fluctuations caused by market sentiment or war, but asking if there is a response to coin price fluctuations in lock-up volume. (나는 거시적 관점의 코인 가격의 위치를 묻는게 아니라 락업 물량에 대한 대비책이 있냐고 묻는 것이다. 없으면 잠깐 팔고 나중에 다시 사려고 한다.)

Flor Accytrypto
I am not talking about price fluctuations caused b...

again, playdapp has no control over external factors such as stakeholder actions after vesting period expiration

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