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Are there any plans to bring more demand on ATOM...

Like Polkadot did with the chains, which have to lock a specific amount of coins? On ecosystem side Cosmos is amazing and my bigggest holding, but holding many ATOM is not necassary to use the network!

11 ответов

11 просмотров
A.Master-Master Автор вопроса

Hmmmm🤔... Is this a groupe where questions are not answered? Are no admins in here to answer my question???

A.Master Master
Hmmmm🤔... Is this a groupe where questions are not...

it might happen that we mess one message in a wall of notifications :3 nothing personal, we plan to implement admins soon

Well sounds like you dont know “Liquid staking” and “interchain security” which are coming to Cosmoshub soon with Rho upgrade in Q3 Quicksilver projects has announced that They will use Cosmoshub validators set via Interchain security! Which means as you are Atom delegator,you will be receiving $OCK token just because you secure Cosmoshub and Quicksilver will be using hub validators set. Not just Quicksilver protocol but more many new(maybe old) chains will be using Interchain security. On the other hand “liquid staking” will give your Delegated Atoms more flexibility that use your Staked Atoms at defi platform such as Umee,Kava etc. Those two huge features will create big demand to Atom! Have a look at this post; https://twitter.com/zoltanatom/status/1496350410000453633?s=21

A.Master-Master Автор вопроса

That's what I was looking for... Ty!! I know Atom is a great project, but the demand for Atom was a little bit of a problem... Think I have to dig a little bit deeper into that stuff!

A.Master Master
That's what I was looking for... Ty!! I know Atom ...

Honestly,I am crazily excited that I can’t wait “Liquid staking” and “Interchain Security” Atom is Interchain money that demand will be huge really soon. Just a little more patient please. Tech takes some times but at the end Atom delegators will be the winner as always. 😉

A.Master-Master Автор вопроса
Honestly,I am crazily excited that I can’t wait “L...

I think persistence is doing liquid staking I guess?? And on Osmosis we see superfluid staking which is a great variation of liquid staking! So like I understand it liquid staking is directly coming to the cosmos chain, which is called cosmos hub!?

A.Master Master
I think persistence is doing liquid staking I gues...

All others are application-specific chains and their features are related with their own chains.

A.Master-Master Автор вопроса
Yes,it will be on Cosmoshub

Yesterday I sold my 1BTC for Atom... Lets hope it was a good decision!!

A.Master Master
Yesterday I sold my 1BTC for Atom... Lets hope it ...

Well,time should it you. Do you stake your Atoms at Keplr wallet?

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