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Is this true? https://twitter.com/TelosHunters/status/1502559018841255937

1 ответов

14 просмотров

The exchange thing is a pain point - ill be completely honest - we have been partially held back to date by not doing an ICO and not having the VCs behind us to secure listings and visibility. I believe we are not far from further tier1 listings right now regardless. Ultimately it's in their hands though. But what we have seen to date is the listings have had so far had huge impact on our eco system. I also believe it might soon be the right time to allow a VC round if the community wants it. The communinity has now had 3 whole years to front run VCs who for whatever reason won't buy off anything less than Coinbase etc- maybe it's time to let them join our communinity as members alongside us at a fair market price ofcourse. And by soon I mean at a $3 valuation - starting with a 10 million token sale. from @Infinityblocio

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