209 похожих чатов

I'D sure love to see a chart like this for



4 ответов

17 просмотров

What's his metric for users?

Chris-Troutner Автор вопроса
🎗 Remora_101
What's his metric for users?

I believe it's addresses with a balance = a user

Interesting analysis. I sort of hate that everyone thinks they are a genius to switch their chart scale to exponential and then draw a straight line and go "See, we'll hit $2 mil and the entire world population in the next 2 years". That's the Stock to Flow classic, and it's already been debunked and hastily covered up by everyone deleting their tweets. Of course that was predictable, the crypto markets now do not behave as they did up until the beginning of the most recent bubble in late 2020

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