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Does anyone know if there has been an announcement yet

about the three new dev recruits by the enf?

20 ответов

16 просмотров

Zack said last week; They'll be made public once they officially begin. They're currently still on their 2 week notice with their current/previous employer (Bullish)

Martin- Автор вопроса
Kivanc Ilisulu
Zack said last week; They'll be made public once t...

thanks, looking forward to hearing about that. so they are all coming on from bullish then?

thanks, looking forward to hearing about that. so ...

I am sure Zack will share more info more info when they are on team. Can ENF build a defi platform?

Martin- Автор вопроса

better for them to focus on core platform, with the evm coming on there will be enough defi platforms! fractally also has interesting exchange ideas, I really hope the new token contract gets done, but I dunno!

better for them to focus on core platform, with th...

Dont know if fractally helps eos. Looks like Dan is pissed of and doesnt want to do anything for eos.

Martin- Автор вопроса

He is doing interesting things, Eos community is pissed off more than anything

Martin- Автор вопроса


He is doing interesting things, Eos community is p...

This is totally because of lack of communication. Dan needs to understand and emphatize the community.

Martin- Автор вопроса
Kivanc Ilisulu
This is totally because of lack of communication. ...

Not his strong point maybe, his strong points are great, team can cover for the pros and strengths of each other

He did interviews with crypto dunkers, bywire, Eden chief delegetes, Helios, White paper. All this is not communication ?

He did interviews with crypto dunkers, bywire, Ede...

Actually no. None of them gives an answer what the community wonders about. Yes he tried to communicate, but the questions were bullshit (sorry to say that). The expactations are totally different. Communication is to understand the other person and to describe what the person dont know about. Or feel and share the pain/happiness. Or to know how to sell something to a customer. (my humble opinion) So because of this communication problem its not right to blame Dan and the community. But it shouldnt be easy like this to turn his back and say take it or leave it. We need introspection. Everyone should make their own judgment, the community, Dan, Yves, Brock, Aaron, Zack etc. Than we can go further, see the future. I can see that Dans way doesnt match with eos. I will attend fractally meetings just to understand whats going on and how it works. Why not @bytemaster7 joins the fireside chats? Why not we listen all @BigBeardSamurai @jestagram @BlockchainZack at the same time.

I agree with you on the fact that take it or leave it is not great. What questions are not answered ?

I agree with you on the fact that take it or leave...

He answered the questions yes. But it would be much better to ask more questions about eos and future of eos. Not bitshares nor steemit. The interview was so early, most of us didnt understand many things from wp. It was a shock for us, the content and the way he act. Maybe a new one now can clarify more. What does he think about inflation? How eos benefits from fractally while increasing inflation? Does eos benefit? Community wasnt expecting from Dan trying to sell an unfinished product as a killer dapp. Does he think that fractally can pushes the price? Who are the investors he hinted before? If they are for his company why he is asking funding from enf? Actually as we learnt, it wasnt like an asking, more like an ultimatom. Why he doesnt want enf to sue B1 and hardcore against it? What are the tools that he is talking about? Is there a way to recover the losses of ico investors with these tools without a lawsuit? Can he emphatize the ico holders and the eos holders that believed him? Where are the rights, freedom and justice for all for these ico investors? (I lost millions and really want to hear the answer) Why he said take it or leave it? Instead of trying tell more about fractally, how to adopt it to eos and find solutions for funding. Does he think that the reaction of community would be different if he was more clear? What does he think about the answers of his poll? Does he want to create an other poll with a new question? Questions for now; Why eos is out of topic? Does he really know the reasons of the reactions from the community? Does he think that the reactions are because of his lack of explanation of what fractally change and adds to eos? What is plan B for funding? Why he said eos is not my project? Does he ever considered to prepare a detailed proposal to enf including a time table and the final achivement of fractally? And many more… The things is answers should be honest and clear to start a communication. So we can understand him and if there is a benefit for eos. If not yes community needs to stop hoping from Dan. That is harmfull. If eos benefits yes we have to support him. PS: He is not in a position to easily say something without thinking what it may cause. It was a chaos. He is not in a position to get pissed of because 30-40 or more people was angry. He needs to learn how we feel, what we think, what we need. He needs to learn how to lead. We also need to learn how to act and ask. But dont forget he started this cycle. Again, all are my my humble opinions. Have a nice and peaceful sunday with your loved ones.

Search Zack's litany of questions in the fractally group. That's one set. I don't know that half of them received a reply and he's part of the team that is looking at the deliverables and the bill.

Joe Louis
Search Zack's litany of questions in the fractally...

And he's not asking to poke holes! He genuinely wants to see it happen and is looking to help.

Chuck MacDonald
And he's not asking to poke holes! He genuinely wa...

I believe his precise words were, "I'm trying to drink the Kool-Aid." 😆

thanks, looking forward to hearing about that. so ...

If they're all coming from Bullish and are allegedly the best devs they had, then how is Bullish going to continue developing any of their EOSIO stuff?

Joe Louis
Search Zack's litany of questions in the fractally...

Yes it is too bad those questions from Zac didn't get an answer. I was answering his questions about "Dan didn't communicate"or "does it benefit EOS" what I saw is that he made many interviews to explain the big picture and the fact that it will benefit EOS (if it works) by locking EOS when a respect token moons

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