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How can the team ensure the community that the enterprise

client reveal, hinted to be in q2, won't end up like the investor reveal which was supposed to happen by end of last year?

27 ответов

11 просмотров

They can't. It depends ln the client.

TheWhaleGames- Автор вопроса
Then why are emilis hint

He also doesn't know for sure but he is confident jt will happen.

We can ensure by promising to shave our heads by Q3 if that doesn’t happen

We can ensure by promising to shave our heads by Q...

A while back some people posted on twitter about 15 POC with different company's is that still the case?

A while back some people posted on twitter about 1...

Even though the number might sound unreal, we have a number of POCs as well as companies being our customers already

TheWhaleGames- Автор вопроса
We can ensure by promising to shave our heads by Q...

Why not say, why this time is different than the investor reveal.

Why not say, why this time is different than the i...

Not going into speculations but there was always a strategy in place to kick off with the first customer and then move to other announcements. Even though we ran into some miscalculations regarding first custome reveal, we are sticking to the plan


Oh that's unfortunate.

TheWhaleGames- Автор вопроса
Not going into speculations but there was always a...

So is this time more than a hunch because the investor reveal seemed like a hunch

So is this time more than a hunch because the inve...

Not sure what point you are trying to make but whatever makes you happy dear whale

TheWhaleGames- Автор вопроса

Not sure why you can't answer any questions directly but whatever makes you happy dear Syntropy team member

Not sure why you can't answer any questions direct...

Doesn't matter what he says. Can't hold any one here to it.

TheWhaleGames- Автор вопроса
Did c team say this

No it’s only related to my head shaving bet

TheWhaleGames- Автор вопроса
No it’s only related to my head shaving bet

So c team gave no indication to you that it would happen by then?

Sir you said July 1

“By Q3” would mean by July 1

We can ensure by promising to shave our heads by Q...

Im late to the party but Im thinking tattoos, a design chosen by community on the spot of teams choice

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