209 похожих чатов

Hello everyone. Unfortunately I can't speak English fluently. That's why

I use a translator. Please excuse me for that. Maybe someone will help me? I want to do rose staking on the official website. I would be grateful if some kind person would record a short video of how it is done. I apologize again. Thank you all. All profit.

2 ответов

13 просмотров


Mehmet ERTAN🏝️🌹

ℹ️ Staking ✅ Support the Oasis Network. ✅ You can participate at any time. ✅ You receive rewards every hour = compounding interest. ⚠️ 14 days of waiting when withdrawing your staked tokens. 📹 Video about how to stake? click here Read more about staking click here Staking guide for Bitpie wallet click click here Staking statistics / Reward Rate / Calculator click here You can find all the validator nodes here

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