209 похожих чатов

Hi I have my Rose on a Bitpie wallet but

I can't seem to make any transactions - they just get stuck. Any ideas?

5 ответов

11 просмотров

You may need to contact BitPie customer support or wait till it’s back up and running again.

Cdg36 | Will not PM you first- Автор вопроса

Is Oasis talking to Bitpie to fix whatever has gone wrong? It's not great for your recommended wallet partner to not allow any transactions out

Cdg36 | Will not PM you first
Is Oasis talking to Bitpie to fix whatever has gon...

It’s more like contacting Binance or any listed exchanges for support when you get your funds stuck on their exchanges. I don’t know if anyone else is having the same issues as yours, please try to troubleshoot a bit as well.

I think it’s a glitch. Please reach out to our devs on slack https://join.slack.com/t/oasiscommunity/shared_invite/zt-14nktisdh-6yO5VCId0EpPg2gA~d8fRg Plus you can also raise a ticket via our Helpdesk section in the link below 👇🏻 https://oasisrose.garden

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