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Have any mathematicians gone over different consensus models to try

to determine some standardized idea of decentralization? I'm no expert, but it seems to me that eth is far more centralized than most people are willing to consider

11 ответов

14 просмотров

Truth is irrelevant. Perception is all that matters.

Truth is irrelevant. Perception is all that matter...

Secondly, I agree that EOS governance is a problem. This was demonstrated when the block producers kicked out B1.

Secondly, I agree that EOS governance is a problem...

You mean when they fired a contractor that was collecting pay for no work?

Chuck MacDonald
You mean when they fired a contractor that was col...

“You mean like that time the Canadian government froze the bank accounts of terrorists? You’re calling that a bad precedent?”

“You mean like that time the Canadian government f...

No, I don't mean like that. I mean B1 was getting paid to do a job. They stopped doing that job. The network stopped paying them, like a year late.

Chuck MacDonald
No, I don't mean like that. I mean B1 was getting ...

It’s justifiable, but it also demonstrates everyone’s concerns are valid

It’s justifiable, but it also demonstrates everyon...

But it has nothing at all to do with property rights. THAT is the 'perception is everything' part. Some people started erroneously using that term and it tainted the whole conversation. The concerns about property rights are NOT valid. Maybe concerns over how and why the network makes decisions... but it's not property rights.

Truth is irrelevant. Perception is all that matter...

This is basically what we need to worry about. The "perception" that EOS is more centralized than any of these other blockchains. The truth is relevant only for the specs and to support the narrative we use to shape perception through repeated advertisement and publicity. Repeat a lie enough times and people will believe it. I'm not saying we should lie, I'm saying we should not try to defend ourselves we should have talking points and insist upon them. Have stats and be able to use them to repeatedly state in what ways we are decentralized and in what ways we have the versatility to accommodate unexpected situations.

Truth is irrelevant. Perception is all that matter...

What people base their perception on matters. People trust Binance or Bitfinex or Huobi with their funds, but they think a 15/21 MSIG between Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi and 18 BPs isnt secure enough or too centralized? Thinking EOS should have an architecture like Bitcoin with 10 000 nodes is ridiculous. In POW, miners vote with their hash power for a pool who control block production. In EOS, investors vote with their tokens for a BP (vote pool) who control block production. There is more entities controlling block production than on most chains. Thinking EOS isn't decentralized or secure enough is non sense.

Vincent | Nation
What people base their perception on matters. Pe...

The only meaningful question is ETH vs EOS. otherwise, the public at the moment isn’t concerned with decentralization. Look at Solana for example.

The only meaningful question is ETH vs EOS. othe...

EOS and ETH are totally different chains not really comparable

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