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@BlockchainZack here is my example of transition from pure DPOS

to a mix between DPOS and fractal governance

Step1: from 0 to 3 months give the economic incentives (2% inflation) but without the ability for the council to vote for block producers. This allows us to test the process with no impact on the BPs. After 3 months the elected council is stable because it is the result of a moving average over the last 3 months.

Step 2: from month 4 to 8 the council get 2 more BPs they can select each month. So at the end of month 8 they can select 10 BPs. On Month 9 they get 1 more BP they can select to make it 11 BPs.

About the question "there is nothing built that enables fractally members to vote for BPs today" : I remember @lukapercic said it would not be difficult to code this because his team has coded the rotation of BPs....

I think that all the technical questions can be solved. The question now is does EOS want this DAO of DAOs story built on EOS or on another blockchain ?

3 ответов

10 просмотров

you need to add min amount of people to enable that significant allocation of resources to fractally.

Musozi- Автор вопроса

These are just technical details people can agree with for the process if it is adopted. What I see is that it will not be adopted by EOS...

These are just technical details people can agree ...

it can be, when the idea is further developed. Right now, its a very raw idea.

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