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I see that we desperately need an official web site.

While i was looking at the other EVM compatible chains i realized that most of them have a single web page and u can find everything in it (or directing from one source). Simple, user friendly, attractive and fancy. Before EVM we should fix this problem. If people wants to get more info when we reach them, from which source they will read, look and see a powerful blockchain. Its soo much confusing and messy. We cant say go to discord, twitter, telegram or eos.io, eossupport.io. Enf s web site is still the same for months just directing to blog, telegram, twitter and discord. Sure we will direct them but a main main main web site is needed. Once I saw a nice budget spent for this, what happened? @jestagram @BlockchainZack do u have any info about these and can you update us when u have time.

Sorry @TheRealTrimBot i cant help you with this mood 😔 maybe weekend…

4 ответов

11 просмотров

The ENF site shouldn't be too much longer. Looking forward to sharing more info soon

What is missing on EOSsupport.io website in your opinion?

Kivanc-Ilisulu Автор вопроса
What is missing on EOSsupport.io website in your o...

Its good, full of helpfull info but its a support site. I mean a web site which will be the face of eos. A main site with an attractive design and sure gives link to eossupport.io or other helpfull/necessary links. A main site that everyone knows, trusts and shares.

Kivanc-Ilisulu Автор вопроса
Zack Gall | EOS Network Foundation
The ENF site shouldn't be too much longer. Looking...

Thnx Zack. Actually i dont know if you are planning to make the enf site as the main eos site. Which is fine i think. As we cant do anything with eos.io maybe enf considers rebranding with hard fork.

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