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I would like, if possible, for a poll to be

carried out in the group... how many people who own BCH understand that SmartBCH is an important step within the BitcoinCash ecosystem, and who uses the projects within smartbch to invest their BCH?

3 ответов

16 просмотров

We are working on sBCH contracts controlling electronic door locks. So it ins't all about investment either.

anyway, to answer this question, I think SmartBCH is a clutch to get ETH/EVM developers to learn about BCH without touching the growing smart contract functionality of BCH itself

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Rowan Skye
anyway, to answer this question, I think SmartBCH ...

and why you don't think that the two things can go together... and that the massive support of all projects helps BCH as a whole. Thanks for the answers. it was very important for me to understand what is the thought that circulates within the BCH 🤝👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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