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What is the only one most important use case of

this token ?

2 ответов

14 просмотров

#usecase read this and understand the points.

An Intro to EWT Usecases. EWT is a utility token to power EW Chain and by extension the EW decentralized operating system (EW-DOS) stack. Primarily you can use EWT for these services. 1. Transaction payments — primarily for gas consumption on the EW Chain but also for services like Bridges and Oracles — made on a pay-as-you-go basis. 2. Bundled Utility Layer service payments — a mechanism that grants DIDs access to five distinct services — an EWNS name, the transaction relay, key recovery service, messaging, and storage — for one flat EWT payment. Learn more about the use of the token as it's broken down into three-part series. 💡What’s new in EW-DOS? 💡The utility of the utility token for utilities 💡How companies benefit from participating in the public EW-DOS infrastructure

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