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Hi guys i tried to remove from staking 1 telos

asks me about rex .. how can i get them?

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Over where

https://help.telos.net/getting-started/how-to-stake-tlos Scroll down and click ‘MANAGE RAM’ under resources. Enter a small amount of TLOS (0.5-1 TLOS recommended), click on ‘Buy RAM’ and approve the transaction from your wallet/signer. Scroll down to the ‘Stake TLOS’ window Enter your Telos address and the amount of TLOS (0.1-0.5 TLOS each recommended) under ‘CPU stake amount’ and ‘NET stake amount’. Important Note: This is not the staking done for earning rewards. Stake only the recommended amount. Staking REX resources will enable you to perform most of the actions on Telos. You do not need to do this again when you stake to REX in future. from step 4 to 7 you need to sstake resources so you can then stake tlos and then unstake. Let us know if you need further help.

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