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Can someone share the pros and cons of using

Ledger Nano X or Imkey for CKB storage? I have both but actually only using the Neuron Wallet on my desktop... I do realize cold wallet storage is most secure...

4 ответов

11 просмотров

To know more about how to store $CKB securely: linktr.ee/nervosbuddy 👀

Yeah buddy I would say for the most part it’s all about security preference. Cold wallets like ImToken, metamask are great. Using them on mobile does open the window of ever losing the phone. But as long as your seed phrase is secure that wouldn’t be terrible. Cold wallets are obviously the best, considering you can load it up, put it in a safe, and never worry

There is nothing con about Using hardware wallet. It’s best practice in crypto industry it’s a must. If you use desktop wallet or browser wallet all you private key is on you browser… guys in google know everything… so use hardware wallet

BTC King of Crypto
There is nothing con about Using hardware wallet. ...

To know more about how to store $CKB securely: linktr.ee/nervosbuddy 👀

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