To know more about how to store $CKB securely: 👀
Hi Lima. Sometimes, the block counter can simply be a little glitchy, and requires me to shut down the wallet and reopen it. But of course, there are some basic steps to take to make sure everything is up to date 👇 - Make sure you're on the newest version. - Check to make sure you have not run out of disk space. - Try clearing your cache from the options. (This forces a rebuild but does not require you to download the blockchain data again.) - Try installing vc-dist all in one package (use install_all.bat). - Check your Windows Firewall settings to make sure ckb.exe is not blocked. - Try deleting your blockchain data and syncing from the beginning again. - Shutdown Neuron and optionally restart your computer. - Delete the following folders: - C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Neuron\chains - C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Neuron\ckb_indexer_data - Start Neuron.
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