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Is the team putting any effort in increasing token price?

From the outside it looks like you’re just building the company with no emphasis on token price. I also read somewhere that customers will not drive up token price as the company will sell the service without forcing customers to buy noia. Please clarify.

7 ответов

9 просмотров

Many factors may affect the token price. Let me explore what, in my opinion, plays considerable importance in the future token price: 1. We have onboarded customers who will translate to announcements. Announcements will have a strong marketing & PR push, which should translate to impressions/new followers/new token holders. 2. We hired Mike Lee, Head of Alliances and Partnerships. He brings tremendous knowledge of the enterprise and service providers in the networking space to our team. His job is to get partnerships, which equals announcements. 3. We are exploring various partnership opportunities in the crypto world, which will translate to announcements. Cross marketing brings you new followers/new token holders. 4. We are working hard to finish the roadmap and secure exchanges, leading to new followers/new token holders. The above explores the factors which will organically grow the community, and the bigger the community gets, the more support token will have. Below, I will mention some other factors related to token exclusively: 1. We have the most reputable market maker in the market supporting us: https://www.gsr.io/ 2. 215M+ tokens are staked, meaning that we have plenty of believers supporting the project. 3. Our end goal is token utility. Token utility = you have to buy tokens to use the service/or we'll take care of the customer and do it for them, so they avoid all the hassle. Enabling token utility is our biggest goal, and the roadmap will cover this topic.

On top of what Emilis has said and to address the latter part of your question. Customers will be using the NOIA token in exchange for services. There is no bypass around the token. However what you might have heard about is our fiat-onramp that we can offer for those enterprise customers that do not wish to get involved in the token aspect for a variety of reasons. In that case we will handle all token transactions for them. This is great as you can appeal to companies that wish to be at the forefront of tech and conservative ones that might not want to completely dive into crypto head first.

Džiugas ✤
On top of what Emilis has said and to address the ...

The real adoption of crypto/blockchain begins when you don’t even realise what backend service you’re using.

Streep- Автор вопроса
Many factors may affect the token price. Let me ex...

Thanks. When you say your end goal is token utility, how far away is that? That’s the key

Thanks. When you say your end goal is token utilit...

Like Emilis has said, the roadmap will cover that topic. It’s a process, not an one and done type of deal.

Yes yes I am only allowed to type 2 answers a day.

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