209 похожих чатов

Hey, @Pasaift I can’t withdraw my ZIL that I accidentally

deposited to the contract. It says it’s locked. How can I unlock it and trade it on the terminal?

6 ответов

6 просмотров

Please use one of the two options: ✅ Help Desk widget: please use the blue Help Desk widget in the bottom right-hand corner of the Orion Terminal UI trade.orionprotocol.io ✅ Telegram Support Bot: Our support bot @OrionProtocolSupportBot is another way to contact the dev support team. Messaging this username is the same as using the Help Desk widget but it allows you the convenience of doing it via Telegram.

Barry-Fried ‘½⏱’ Автор вопроса
Glorida │Never DM First
Please use one of the two options: ✅ Help Desk wi...

Didn’t help…. Why are my assets locked in the contract?

Barry Fried ‘½⏱’
Didn’t help…. Why are my assets locked in the cont...

ORN | BEP20 contract address: 0xe4ca1f75eca6214393fce1c1b316c237664eaa8e ORN | ERC20 contract address: 0x0258f474786ddfd37abce6df6bbb1dd5dfc4434a

Barry Fried ‘½⏱’
Didn’t help…. Why are my assets locked in the cont...

What didn't help?? Have you written to Dev support? If I may get you right, you accidentally deposited ZIL to the Orion Smart contract address?

Glorida │Never DM First
What didn't help?? Have you written to Dev support...

ORN | BEP20 contract address: 0xe4ca1f75eca6214393fce1c1b316c237664eaa8e ORN | ERC20 contract address: 0x0258f474786ddfd37abce6df6bbb1dd5dfc4434a

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